Sale of used robots
If you are just starting out with robots and don't want to buy a new industrial robot or you have a low-volume production where the investment in a new robot will not return, then we have a wide range of used robots for you. Immediately usable for re-installation in production. All robots have their condition documented, and accordingly we will help you choose the optimal model and its condition so that the industrial robot from us meets your expectations. On request, we can replace more worn parts on the robots or retrofit them with the necessary accessories.
Pokud s roboty začínáte a nechcete kupovat nový průmyslový robot nebo máte nízko-sériovou výrobu, kde se investice do nového robotu nevrátí, pak pro vás máme širokou nabídku použitých robotů. Okamžitě použitelných k opětovné instalaci do výroby. U všech robotů je zdokumentován jejich stav a dle toho vám pomůžeme s výběrem optimálního modelu a jeho stavu tak, aby průmyslový robot od nás splnil vaše očekávání. Na přání můžeme na robotech vyměnit více opotřebované díly nebo dovybavit potřebným příslušenstvím.
Usage: Handling, Assembly, Welding, Final surface treatment
Range: 0.81 m
Load capacity: 6 kg
Description: A small robot of robust construction, protruding mechanical durability and stability in any application
ABB IRB 1600
Usage: Handling, Assembly, Welding
Range: 1.45 m
Load capacity: 6-10 kg
Description: The smallest representative of medium-sized robots stands out repeatability and features that make it an indispensable part of welding workplaces
Usage: Handling, final processing of surfaces
Range: 2.5 - 3.0 m
Load capacity: 100 - 200 kg
Description: Many customers in the automotive industry referred to as an immortal robot, it stands out for its rigidity and mechanical resistance
ABB IRB 1400
Usage: Handling, Welding
Range: 1.44 m
Load capacity: 5 kg
Description: A small robot with a simple design for easy and quick maintenance, at the time of its launch it was number one on the welding market and still has a lot to offer
ABB IRB 2400
Usage: Handling, Welding, Assembly, laser, plasma cutting and water jet
Range: 1.55 m
Load capacity: 12 - 20 kg
Description: A very precise and rigid robot, its characteristics make it a great helper when cutting with laser, water and other media